at Sovereign Birth

I guide women back to their innate wisdom by offering them tools to heal, transform, and birth in power.

I believe that when a woman reclaims and embodies her sovereignty, transformation and magic happens. I created this website as a hub of resources, support and community for all women, but in particular for women wanting to reconnect with the sacredness of birth.


“To embody birth is to travel through it’s portal with reverence and reconnect with the innate intelligence within. This becomes a remembering of our wholeness, authenticity, and power...”

~ Genna Del Bianco



becoming a birthkeeper

It was during my 2nd year of medical school, that I became pregnant. Despite being an aspiring “women’s health” doctor, my previous experience of self-healing from Hashimoto’s (that’s a whole other story) had planted a powerful seed of doubt towards mainstream maternity care.

After several early experiences with doctors and birth centre midwives, I was left feeling disempowered, confused and angry. My intuition began speaking to me loud and clear - I would not be giving birth under a doctor’s authority, or in a hospital. I was going to do this my way.

Despite not knowing any other women who had given birth at home, I felt compelled to protect the sanctity of my birth and the wellbeing of my baby.

I started doing my own research and empowering myself with knowledge. I began to decline any form of standardised pre-natal care that intuitively did not align or make sense to me. With the support of a midwife I began planning a homebirth.

All was going smoothly until I began to approach 42 weeks. It was during this time that it became very obvious to me, that despite planning a home birth with an “independent” midwife I was still very much in the system.

Despite the increasing pressure to increase monitoring and “speed things along”, I continued to trust my connection with my intuition and my baby.

At 42+ weeks, after a great deal of personal courage, trust and surrender, I birthed my baby into my own hands, at home in the water in a state of pure ecstasy and joy. I felt invincible and completely transformed by the experience.

I later withdrew from my medical studies and followed my heart’s call to walk with and serve birthing women in my full integrity. I went on to complete the Radical Birthkeeper School and quickly began witnessing the magic of birth in it’s undisturbed and wild state.

I passionately believe that birth is an opportunity for us as women to return to our innate power and wholeness. Women from all over the world are now lifting the heavy cloak of amnesia that has blanketed our intuition, and birthing wisdom for far too long. ⁠
Together, we are remembering, reclaiming our sovereignty, owning our bodies, and bringing a new generation into the world with sacredness and reverence. In doing so, we are rebirthing ourselves, and healing the world, one birth at a time. ⁠⠀

Sovereign Birth Drop Rose

I’m so happy you’re here. Please reach out to me via email if you have any questions or would like to find out more about my bespoke birthkeeping packages or online mentoring. I look forward to connecting with you.

Much Love Genna